Oilers GM Ken Holland linked to a new position with the Chicago Blackhawks

Tyler Ball
June 26, 2024  (2:12 PM)

Edmonton Oilers General Manager Ken Holland speaking to the media during a press conference.
Photo credit: Screenshot

Today a new report has connected current Edmonton Oilers GM Ken Holland to a new role with the Chicago Blackhawks.

Since the Edmonton Oilers lost in the Stanley Cup Finals a couple of days ago there has been smoke around Ken Holland leaving the organization. It began with a post on X from Darren Dreger hinting that Ken Holland would give up his position as General Manager and not even attend the 2024 NHL Draft.
I believe there's a role for Ken Holland moving forward in EdmontonIF he wants it. His situation will be clarified within a few days. As of right now indications are that he will not be at the Draft in Vegas.

Now today a new report has not only further cemented this idea but has also opened the possibility of Ken Holland finding a new home for the 2024-25 NHL season.

Ken Holland linked to a new role with the Chicago Blackhawks

A report now coming in from former NHLer Scottie Upshall has indicated that the Chicago Blackhawks have an interest in hiring Ken Holland. As of now, there has not been a determination of what his role would be within the organization.
Source telling me that Ken Holland could be on his way to the Chicago Blackhawks. Position to be determined. Could this be the beginning of building new dynasty there in Chi town?!? They have the cap space and the draft picks! We will see how this plays out

If he were to join the Blackhawks it would likely be in more of an advisory role than a General Manager role. Either way, it sounds as though the Edmonton Oilers will be searching for a new General Manager in the coming days.
As these reports are made official by the Edmonton Oilers we will continue to pass the information along to you.
26 JUIN   |   141 ANSWERS
Oilers GM Ken Holland linked to a new position with the Chicago Blackhawks

Will Ken Holland actually end up taking a new role with the Chicago Blackhawks this offseason?

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