Utah HC GM Bill Armstrong possibly leaks the new team name in press conference

Julien Trekker
June 29, 2024  (10:24)

Bill Armstrong, general manager of the Utah Hockey Club, in a press conference at the 2024 NHL draft.
Photo credit: Screenshot

Bill Armstrong, general manager of the Utah Hockey Club, possibly leaked the new team name in a press conference following the first round of the NHL Draft.

NHL fans in Utah couldn't have hoped for a better first draft for their team.
They acquired the highly sought-after prospect Tij Iginla at the 6th overall rank, as well as the promising prospect Cole Beaudoin at the 24th pick.
After the round, GM Armstrong met with the media for a press conference and led fans to believe the official team name has already been decided.
The team owner Ryan Smith let the decision for the fans and the names remaining in the survey were Utah Blizzard, Utah Hockey Club (Utah HC), Utah Mammoth, Utah Outlaws, Utah Venom, and Utah Yeti.
The GM said, in his press conference, that Tij Iginla will be a Utah Yeti, even if no official name has been announced. However, he added that many kids in Utah vote for "Yeti" over 25 times a day.
Here's what he said:
"That's when we knew he was going to be a Utah Yeti, I think. I'm not allowed to pick the name but I think the little kids in Utah vote about 25 times a day, so I think they got it."

We don't know if that name is official, but Armstrong's declaration gave us a good idea of what fans in Utah want and how determined they are to get it.
Source: Markerzone
Utah Hockey Club GM Bill Armstrong accidentally leaks the team's name
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Utah HC GM Bill Armstrong possibly leaks the new team name in press conference

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