As you know, it's currently the NHL Combine in Buffalo. A hundred or so prospects from the upcoming draft are on hand for interviews, physical tests and more. We're now at the stage of taking the players' measurements, and surprise, surprise, Connor Bedard is smaller than they say. Indeed, Bedard was listed at 5'10 and a half, even 5'11. According to the NHL this morning, he's 5'9 and three quarters. <blockquote class=twitter-tweet><p lang=en dir=ltr>Connor Bedard comes in at 5'9 .75 in height <a href=></a>- Scott Powers (@ByScottPowers) <a href=>June 10, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src= charset=utf-8> That would officially make Bedard the shortest first overall pick in NHL history. Naturally, this figure came as a shock to many fans, who already thought Bedard was borderline tall. In our opinion, this changes absolutely nothing and there's no controversy to be had.