If we had the impression, or even the certainty, that free agents didn't want to come to Montreal in recent years, imagine that for the Coyotes! The team plays in a local arena, has no fixed address, inflates its payroll with contracts for finished players - in short, nothing is going right anymore, and something absolutely must be done. Just when we thought it was troubling enough, new details have surfaced thanks to Larry Brooks. Indeed, the situation is far worse than we thought, and the Coyotes players have begun to lodge a complaint. <q>Slap Shots has also learned that Coyotes players have filed several complaints with the Players' Association over the course of the season for substandard transportation, lodging and logistics, in violation of the collective bargaining agreement.</q> <blockquote class=twitter-tweet><p lang=en dir=ltr>Look like the Yotes were staying in 3 star hotels and flying economy <a href=https://t.co/FzmIA56xta>pic.twitter.com/FzmIA56xta</a>- Editor in J (@Account4hockey) <a href=https://twitter.com/Account4hockey/status/1660316210876014592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>May 21, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src=https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js charset=utf-8> So the treatment of gamers is far from what it should be. Not only are they not fortunate enough to have a conceivable NHL arena, they are diminished in every way compared to other League clubs. The Coyotes are an absolute flop... and Bettman insists on keeping them in Arizona. Unbelievable.