An older Penguins fan made a complete fool out of himself last night as he got into an argument with a little child as boos rained down on him for his actions. It started with boos that reverberated through the arena. At first, fans weren't exactly sure what had happened to cause the commotion in <a href='' class='lien_marqueur' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>the Penguins' 5-2 loss to the Tampa Bay Lightning</a>. <div align='center' class='pl20 pr20'><blockquote class='twitter-tweet' data-lang='en'><a href=''> </a></blockquote></div> But as the tale did out, outrage quickly spread via social media, and rightfully so. A young fan, filled with excitement, had been banging on the glass behind the goal in hopes of going home with a very special souvenir: a puck stuck in the netting. <h3>Penguins fan steals puck from little child</h3> After what seemed like an eternity, the puck finally fell. However, just as the boy reached for his prize, <a href='' class='lien_marqueur' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>another hand swooped in, a much older fan, thieving it right from underneath him</a>. The crowd's immediate reaction was outrage. The older man was met with a chorus of boos as he proudly clutched the puck like a trophy, showing absolutely no regret. Eyewitnesses say he even lobbed insults at those around him, feeding the growing animosity in the stands. One fan couldn't let it go unnoticed. They took it to X, posting the picture of the man and tagging the Penguins in hopes that the team would do something. A video soon surfaced showing the man in the middle of an intense argument with a Penguins staff member on the staircase leading out of the lower bowl. <img src='' width='100%' border='0' alt='image' loading='lazy' defer /> The crowd booed as he turned to leave, but not before he flipped off the fans on his way up the stairs. The question remains, was he kicked out? The video does not show that. He walked away on his own accord, with no indication of any security walking him out. If he wasn't, fans want the man to face the music, finding some calling for a lifetime ban from PPG Paints Arena. <div align='center' class='pl20 pr20'><blockquote class='twitter-tweet' data-lang='en'><a href=''> </a></blockquote></div> Harsh? Perhaps. But after what they witnessed, many will say the same thing: actions have consequences. And taking away a child's happiness in a place specifically designed for families to have fun? That crosses the line.