On Halloween, a video circulated through the Habs that quizzed the club's players on who would be the first to die on the team if the world was overrun by zombies. To say the least, Cole Caufield was a prime target among the CH players. Here's the hilarious video: <iiffrraammee src=https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=476&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F5a7RDS%2Fvideos%2F1167937174078386%2F&show_text=false&width=267&t=0 width=267 height=476 style=border:none;overflow:hidden scrolling=no frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=true allow=autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share allowFullScreen=true></iiffrraammee> Here are the best answers. <q>I don't even know if he's capable of making an IKEA cabinet with the instructions. - Paul Byron</q> <q>Cole is small, noisy and keeps moving. He would get caught quickly. - Jake Evans</q> <q>Probably Cole. The zombies would ring the doorbell and he'd open it. - Chris Wideman</q> When it came time to pick who would be the last to die, there were two newbies among the answers, and it proves that the Tricolore's mission to get fat seems to be working. <q>The last one to survive would be Arber Xhekaj! He's fat like me. He would kill the zombies. - Juraj Slafkovsky</q> <q>Arber and Juraj could take two zombies and slam them against each other. - Kaiden Guhle</q> It's fun to watch this kind of video, and it pretty much illustrates the camaraderie and pleasant atmosphere that seems to prevail in the team's locker room. Credit: <a href='https://www.letsgohabs.com/Les-joueurs-du-Canadien-insultent-Cole-Caufield-et-cest-hilarant-171312?fbclid=IwAR0fmus9j75lm3JhjUytTPHRyblOAosUJRbnjhaH4wKM_d1zxc299oUwCI0' class='lien_marqueur' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>GoHabsGo</a>