We're getting to know Martin St-Louis pretty well. He's not shy about getting his message across, and he often makes comparisons. When asked about Mike Babcock's alleged snooping into his players' phones and his reputation for using medieval methods, Martin St-Louis had another juicy comparison for us. <q> You have to evolve as a coach. If you go to the dentist, do you go to the one with 30-year-old equipment, or do you go to the dentist... you know what I mean? You want to stay in the business, you've got to evolve.</q> We can't say this isn't true. Mike Babcock isn't liked by his players, he's feared. In an era where bullying is unforgivable, these methods have no place. He's been shown the way out and shouldn't be heard from again for a long time. <div align='center'><blockquote class='twitter-tweet' data-lang='en'><a href='https://twitter.com/NHL_Watcher/status/1704625313655738659?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1704625313655738659%7Ctwgr%5E106221430cb133bf574ac875527d44da7b62f5d6%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rumeursdetransaction.com%2FMartin-St-Louis-a-lance-une-solide-fleche-a-Mike-Babcock-278248'> </a></blockquote></div> <a href='https://www.rumeursdetransaction.com/equipe-lnh/canadiens-de-montreal/Martin-St-Louis-a-lance-une-solide-fleche-a-Mike-Babcock' class='lien_marqueur' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Credit: RDT</a>