We've been waiting several weeks for the NHL's verdict on the players involved in the 2018 Junior Team Canada scandal. A month ago, many people in the industry already knew the names of the five guilty parties, and 10 days ago, other sources mentioned that it would happen very soon. We've now reached the breaking point of the rubber band. The NHL cannot afford not to act before the start of training camp in two weeks' time. Letting guilty players play without sanction would be very poor form, while leaving doubt for an injured 2018 player, for example, would be terrible for him. For these reasons and many others, we expect a verdict in the next few days, if not hours. The NHL has drawn out the suspense long enough, and now it's time to act. Let's not forget that the investigation was completed several weeks ago, so the NHL has all the details it needs to carry out its disciplinary work. All the experts agree that the guilty parties will receive exemplary suspensions. I can't wait to see what happens. <div align='center'><blockquote class='twitter-tweet' data-lang='en'><a href='https://twitter.com/DLCoulisses/status/1698395731097161849?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1698395731097161849%7Ctwgr%5Ee9fe750403d81dcf1f6fefdf3d18074bf67d6f29%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.habsetlnh.com%2FCinq-joueurs-suspendus-par-la-LNH-en-lien-avec-affaire-Equipe-Canada-Junior-2018-nous-avons-enfin-une-annonce-a-surveiller-ce-mois-ci-272387'> </a></blockquote></div>