Of course, the most talked-about case in terms of future and signing is undoubtedly Cole Caufield. Given his excellent start to the season, along with his playing partner Nick Suzuki, Cole Caufield's contract is already starting to be the talk of the town, sometimes for good reasons and other times for not so good ones. We don't know what Kent Hughes' plan is in this regard, whether he wants to conclude negotiations at the end of the season, or if he wants to end it as soon as possible. Honestly, in my opinion, if we don't want this to become a distraction, it would be better if this issue was resolved sooner rather than later. Well, we've heard some great news that will make many fans happy as the talks move in the right direction. According to Martin McGuire of 98.5 Sports, the Caufield clan and the Montreal Canadiens have officially begun negotiations for a new contract extension. According to McGuire's source, the two parties have not set a timetable to reach an agreement. This means that there is no rush on either side of the issue, but that the channels of communication are open. This is therefore very good news for the future. Let's hope that these discussions lead to a seven or eight year agreement, because it is absolutely necessary to sign the young forward for as long as possible, in order to have peace of mind with his contract, when the team becomes very competitive again. <iiffrraammee src=https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FRumeursLNH%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02jjudHdoZDDbAtYB8zifFztgUiLNmUZyuaN2v69eKKmAGQPHmqcvdbXagBuRqsTarl&show_text=true height=501 style=width:100%;max-width:500px;border:none;overflow:hidden scrolling=no frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=true allow=autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share></iiffrraammee>